Δευτέρα 12 Ιουλίου 2010


Mom-of-six Angelina Jolie admits that she is fascinated by her 4-year-old daughter Shiloh, who she recently revealed "wants to be a boy."

"I think she [Shiloh] is fascinating, the choices she is making," Angelina says of tomboy Shiloh, who is often seen out and about in suspenders and suit jackets. "And I would never be the kind of parent to force somebody to be something they are not. I think that is just bad parenting.... Children should be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they wish without anybody judging them because it is an important part of their growth."
Angie adds that the fact that Shiloh's unique sense of style - she dresses "like a little dude," says mom - has been a such a hot topic shows how flawed our society is.

"Society always has something to learn when it comes to the way we judge each other, label each other. We have far to go."

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