Τετάρτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2013


 January 17, 2013
Honestly, she’s one of our favorite celebrity moms. From her chic sense of style, to her hands-on playdates at the park, to her eco-friendly business, we can’t get enough of Jessica Alba. After creating The Honest Company last year, the mom-of-two is now joining forces with zulily to share her safe and sustainable products with a new audience.
Jessica opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her daughters Honor, 4, and Haven, 1, who “like to play, explore, get messy, and are creative.” She goes on to talk about modeling “eco-friendly habits for the girls,” her book that will hit shelves in March, and her upcoming film that she can’t wait to take “Honor and her friends to see.”
CBS: Your daughters are always dressed so fashionably — do you ever shop zulily?
JA: “I think zulily is a well-curated site that covers all your needs from toys to fashion to everything in between, all at a good deal. Who doesn’t love that! Both my mom and I shopped the site for holiday gifts for the girls and their cousins.”
CBS: How are your daughters doing? What are they into these days? What do they do to make you laugh?
JA: “Every day with my girls is a dream and just hanging out with them is the best thing ever. They’re happy and healthy 1- and 4-year-olds who like to play, explore, get messy, and are creative. And since they’re typical kiddos, they’re bound to make me laugh.”
CBS: What are some of the ways you get your girls to be eco-friendly? What are some tips in teaching our kids to love our environment?
JA: “First and foremost, we try to model and practice eco-friendly habits for the girls. Otherwise, we talk to them about being mindful and explain that things can be turned into something else one day. This can be as simple as teaching them about recyclables and showing how to sort bottles and cans from trash.
We also do a lot of DIY crafts like using cardboard boxes to make airplanes and dollhouses—our creative playtime together similarly shows the girls about repurposing old items.
Involving children in gardening and cooking is another great way to inspire eco-friendly living. Caring for the plants in our herb wall garden helps Honor understand the steps to growing food (including patience!), how it ultimately lands on her plate, and about being a good steward of the planet.
Honor is also a great sous chef when we’re in the kitchen, so being a part of the dinner process encourages her to eat the foods she grows and develops her taste for fresh ingredients. Hopefully, this lays the foundation for children to prioritize their health and that of the planet.”

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